In conversation with Constanze Saemann and building a natural fragrance brand and surrendering to life’s natural rhythms

Step into the world of Constanze Saemann, the visionary force behind Basium, a natural fragrance brand, and a model navigating the vibrant tapestry of New York. In this intimate conversation, Constanze shares the essence of her philosophy on living well – a harmonious blend of simplicity and surrendering to life's natural rhythms.

Images by Bryan Liston


How would you describe your personal philosophy of living well?

Simplify and lean into what life brings. It's easier to go with the flow than to resist it.

Take us through a day in your life, considering the demands of living as a model in New York, your naturopathy studies, and your professional engagements? How do you carve out time for reflection and self-care?

My days are filled with all kinds of tasks that differ so much from each other, and at times, this feels very overwhelming.Time for reflection and self-care is therefore a priority for me. I’ve made it a habit to start my day with the sunrise in order to have some time for silence and reflection, this is my favourite time of the day. This usually helps me to feel centred and grounded for the rest of the day.


“One of my most valued philosophies is to treat the person as a whole. Western Medicine often overlooks the interconnection between everything in life. In order to heal we need to look at more than just the symptoms themselves.”


What are some personal passions that bring you joy and inspiration?

I love trying out new ingredients to cook with, drawing inspiration from the places I visit. I find it incredibly exciting to discover overlooked medicinal herbs and “weeds” that were once integral to our ancestors’ diets but have since been removed from our daily meals.

Naturopathy imparts a unique perspective on well-being. What wisdom or principles from your naturopathic studies do you find most valuable and applicable to everyday life?

One of my most valued philosophies is to treat the person as a whole. Western Medicine often overlooks the interconnection between everything in life. In order to heal we need to look at more than just the symptoms themselves.


Can you highlight any products that you swear by for maintaining healthy skin and vitality?

An overnight nettle infusion works wonders for the skin from the inside out. Emphasising on inner well being though has been my primary focus as it immediately reflects on the skin. On top of that, daily exercise, trace minerals, kundalini yoga, daily amounts of (safe) sun exposure, lots of whole foods and hydration. If I do feel like my skin needs some extra love I use the LED Face Mask by Dr. Dennis Gross.

Fragrance can be a very personal form of expression. How do you see your natural fragrance brand Basium as an extension of yourself, and how do you hope it resonates with individuals seeking a more holistic lifestyle?

I feel like BASIUM is part of me and we continue to grow together. The brands values are my own values and everything the brand represents is something I practice myself. Over the past year I have built a little team of women in order to support the growth of BASIUM and share the power of aromatherapy with more people. The brand creates a safe space and a feeling of home for me.

I am hoping that it can inspire people to find a safe space within themselves while raising awareness of how many of us have lost the connection to their senses and their environment. Ultimately, we are all part of nature, and my wish is that BASIUM can inspire people to live that way.

Have you read any books or watched any films that left a lasting impression on you?

I recently read “Woman Code by Alissa Vitti” and that changed how I care for my hormones.

You recently went to India for Panchakarma - an Ayurvedic Therapy to cleanse the body. Can you tell us how you found the experience?

This was my first Panchakarma and it was incredible yet challenging for mind and body. I also felt very grateful to have had the opportunity to be away from all the noise going on in the world and to turn off completely. However, this also turned out to be a challenge as we are all so used to being distracted on a daily basis. Physically, I am feeling refreshed yet weakened from the procedures and I am still in the process of regaining my strength currently with lots of rest and nourishing foods.

Do you have any guides or mentors in your life that have impacted your journey in a positive way?

My meditation teacher Upul has inspired me since I completed a Vipassana Meditation Retreat with him in Sri Lanka a few years back.


Can you share a particular challenge you have overcome and a moment that stands out as a triumph in your journey so far (career or personal!)?

I have been fortunate to travel and move around so much in the past years, but this has also come with it's challenges. Through mine and my partners work, it has created amazing opportunities for us to live in numerous countries but this flexibility has also created difficulties in building a sense of community in those places. But in the end, mother earth is always there and she is what helps to overcome those challenges and guide me through new surroundings.

Where is your favourite place to escape when you need to take a breath?

When I am near the ocean it's a cold ocean dip and in the city it's escaping into a park! Going out into nature and touching earth always helps to reestablish a sense of what's truly important for me.


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