Jordan-Risa Santos: On Compassion, Curiosity, and the Power of Stories
Jordan Santos is a woman of many layers. As the founder of Seen Library, a literary haven championing untold stories and meaningful connection, she has carved out a space for readers and writers alike to find inspiration. But Santos herself is just as inspiring—a thoughtful presence in a fast-moving world, grounding herself in small but profound daily rituals.
From her morning gua sha to evenings spent immersed in the pages of a book, Jordan approaches life with an enviable blend of curiosity, candor, and care. Her devotion to her relationships—be it with her cat, her husband, or her community—is unmistakable. In this conversation, she shares her musings on everything from the virtues she finds overrated to the simple pleasure of waking up in a beautiful hotel room in an unfamiliar city.
What is your current state of mind?
A bit all over the place – saddened by the destruction and loss caused by the LA fires, but inspired by all the good, compassionate people doing what they can to support those affected
How do you switch off?
With a book in bed before I go to sleep
What is the trait you most admire in others?
Compassion, honesty
What is your greatest extravagance?
Lately, being able to take my time
What is the first thing that you do when you wake in the morning?
Cuddle my cat who sleeps in my arms
What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
Abstinence, patience
Do you have any daily rituals?
Gua sha in the morning, reading in bed at night
What do you most like about your appearance?
That it’s mine
What or who is the greatest love of your life?
My cat – she is my soulmate
When and where are you happiest?
In the comfort of my home with my cat and loved ones or exploring a new city with my husband
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
To be more open to the unknown
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
My relationships. And creating Seen Library which has brought people together in a meaningful way and gotten stories out that need to be read
Where would you most like to live?
Here in Los Angeles – and London in the summers
What is your most treasured possession?
The photo album my husband adds to each year on our anniversary with little notes beside each photo
What is your favourite occupation?
Working on Seen Library
What is your most marked characteristic?
My honesty – or so I’m told
What do you most value in your friends?
Being able to spend time with them through the good and bad, through the mundane and excitement
Who are your favourite writers?
Toni Morrison and recently, Tomasz Jedrowski is an author whose writing I have read and found so beautiful
Who is your hero of fiction?
Hermione Granger
Who are your heroes in real life?
My cousins – the kind, funny, generous women who have been there for me through it all
What are your favourite names?
Saving this answer for the future ;)
What brings pleasure to your day?
A long conversation with a good friend
Do you have any products or objects that you can’t live without?
Books and journals
Where is your favourite place to wake up in the world?
In a beautiful hotel room in a new city with my husband
@jordanrisa @seenlibrary